Lila Marsland, nearly six, was tragically found unresponsive next to her mother, Rachel, 36, on December 28, 2023. Despite paramedics’ swift arrival, they determined Lila had been deceased for several hours. Rachel, devastated and without answers, said, “I woke up, and she was dead next to me.”
Lila, described as a bubbly, kind child with bright red hair, attended Flowery Field Primary School in Hyde. Her mother shared, “She was the nicest child ever, always hugging her teachers. She had so many friends.”
The family’s grief is compounded by the lack of clarity surrounding Lila’s cause of death. Rachel noted, “We haven’t even been given answers, and it’s hard to grieve properly.”
Lila’s funeral, attended by her school and community, featured a horse-drawn carriage. “It was the perfect day for her,” Rachel said.
In October 2024, an inquest began at Stockport Coroners Court. Troubling details emerged, including the loss of Lila’s medical records from weeks before her death. Area Coroner Chris Morris emphasized the seriousness of the missing documents, noting discrepancies in Lila’s care history. A jury inquest has been scheduled, expected to last eight days, to uncover the truth behind Lila’s untimely death.